Meeting Schedule:

Information Integrity in the Digital Age 

This event will be held at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, March 5th via Zoom. This event will bring together a panel of experts in social media and the issues surrounding misinformation and disinformation. Attendees will better understand how false information propagates through social media channels, its impact on public perception, and the strategies employed to combat it.

Meeting will be held on Zoom – Register here

Watch Past Presentations:

2/5/2025 Spring Semester Kick Off

12/4/2024Internships 101 with LISSA

4/21/2020 Career Path of a Data Analyst: From MLIS Student to Library of Congress with Stephanie Mikitish

3/31/2020: Leadership Development through LIS Associations: Opportunities to Leverage Your Career Aspirations with Nancy Kranich

3/26/2019: Liz Hoens, Children’s Librarian, Rahway Public Library

12/6/2018: Aman Kaur, Community Health & Engineering Librarian, Penn Libraries

11/15/2018: Katie Sebby, Librarian with the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress

10/11/2018: John Daquino, Head of Adult Services, Union Public Library