Fall ’23 Welcome Meeting – October 24th, 2023
Our first meeting of the semester is at 7:30pm on Tuesday, October 24th via Zoom. It will be a chance to meet other students in the program, learn about LISSA and how you can get involved, and share ideas on what programming you’d like to see from LISSA.
7:30pm EST on Tuesday, October 24th.
This meeting will be over Zoom – register here: https://rutgers.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsf-2urD0rGtGGD0ztwFGTu4JUSlTk-Jwa#/registration
Meeting passcode: LISSA
Email us at lissa.rutgers@gmail.com if you have any questions!
General Welcome Meeting – September 15th, 2022
Welcome & welcome back to all new and returning students – join us for our first virtual meeting of the semester! Meet other MLIS students, learn about Rutgers’ LISSA (Library & Information Science Student Association), and look forward to a new year of programming.
7pm EST on Thursday, September 15th.
This meeting will be over Zoom: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81082643585?pwd=Z3I3aGZxdXQ1ZzZaekU4Z2RoeWNGUT09
Meeting passcode: LISSA
Email us at lissa.rutgers@gmail.com if you have any questions!
September 22nd, 2021, Chat and Chill with Kate Jaggers
Career Path conversation with Rutgers Alum Kate Jaggers. She currently serves as the Director of Highland Park Public Library, and Executive Member of New Jersey Library Association.
Email us at lissa.rutgers@gmail.com if you are interested in joining!
LISSA Trip to NJ State Library: Oct. 23, 2pm – RSVP HERE
Can you come to LISSA’s trip to the NJ State Library? We will be meeting with several departments of the State Library in Trenton, NJ to learn about the various departments and services they provide to libraries across the state. The trip will be on Friday, October 23rd at 2pm and will last about 2 hours. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!
Survey on LISSA Fall 2015 Trips
LISSA is planning our Fall 2015 trips. In order to coordinate this and other great trip opportunities, we’d like to hear your scheduling preferences in general and for LISSA’s Oct. trip.
Brewster Kahle lecture, September 10th, 4:30 PM, Alexander Library
Brewster Kahle, Founder & Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive, one of the largest libraries in the world, visits campus on Thursday, September 10th, 4:30 PM at the SCC in Alexander Library.
Think Differently About Libraries: Dr. Wayne Wiegand, September 18th, 6:30-8:30 PM, Alexander Library
The MI Colloquium Series & the Beta Phi Mu Honor Society present a lecture by Dr. Wayne Wiegand on September 18th 6:30-8:30 PM @ Alexander Library.